We can imagine horizontal lines across the earth.

These lines are called latitudes.

We first imagine a line at the center.

It is called the equator.

It is numbered 0.

From this equator, up to the North Pole, it is the Northern Hemisphere.

In this, we imagine 90 parts or 90 lines.

The one between 23rd and 24th lines is called the Tropic of Cancer.

The one between 66th and 67th lines is called the Arctic Circle.

The 90th line in the Northern Hemisphere is called the North Pole.

In the same way, we imagine 90 lines in the Southern Hemisphere too.

The one between 23rd and 24th (in the SH) is called the Tropic of Capricorn.

The one between 66th and 67th (in the SH) is called the Antarctic Circle.

The 90th line in the Southern Hemisphere is called the South Pole.

Names of important latitudes:

90 N: North Pole

66.5 N: Arctic Circle

23.5 N: Tropic of Cancer

0: Equator

23.5 S: Tropic of Capricorn

66.5 S: Antarctic Circle

90 S: South Pole

Total number of latitudes: 90 in the NH, 90 in the SH, equator, total 181


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