I am Ramakrishna at Kakinada, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India. What are my coordinates?
I am on 17th latitude in the northern hemisphere (17oN) and 82nd longitude in the eastern hemisphere (82oE). My coordinates are (17oN, 82oE).
You are Harshitha at New Jersey. What are your coordinates?
You are on 40th latitude in the northern hemisphere (40oN) and 74th longitude in the western hemisphere(74oW). Your coordinates are (40oN, 74oW)
From the coordinates, what can we say about the difference in the weather at your place and my place?
You are on 40th latitude and I am on 17th latitude. I am closer to the equator and you are away from the equator. So we can say your place will be colder than my place.
From the coordinates, what can we say about the time difference between us?
There are 156 (82+74) longitudes between us. And for each longitude, there comes a time difference of 4 minutes. For 156 longitudes, the time difference would be 156*4 = 624 minutes, which is equal to 10 and a half hours. Your time is 101/2 hours behind mine and my time 101/2 hours ahead of yours.
What are latitudes and longitudes?
Latitudes and longitudes are imaginary lines on the earth. The purpose of latitudes and longitudes is to imagine the earth as a grid, so we can easily locate the position of a place on the earth using latitude and longitude as the coordinates.
Are latitudes and longitudes really drawn or are they imaginary?
They are imaginary but at some places, the equator and the prime meridian are physically drawn.
What is the difference between latitudes and longitudes?
Latitudes are horizontal (like cross roads). Longitudes are vertical (like lanes).
How are latitudes denoted?
Latitudes are denoted north (N) or south (S). North latitudes are above the equator. South latitudes are below the equator.
How are longitudes denoted?
Longitudes are denoted east (E) or west (W). East longitudes are to the right of the prime meridian. West longitudes are to the left of the prime meridian.
What shape is a latitude?
A latitude is a circle.The equator is a circle. All latitudes are circles.
What shape is a longitude?
Longitudes are semi-circles. They start from the North Pole and extend up to the South Pole.
Are all longitudes of the same size?
Yes, all longitudes are semi-circles and they are of the same size.
Are all latitudes of the same size?
No, all latitudes are circles but their size is not the same. The size of the circle decreases as we move from the equator to the poles. The equator is the longest latitude and the poles are the shortest latitudes.
If you imagine a line in the interior of the earth connecting the north pole and the south pole, what is it called?
If we imagine a line or rod in the interior of the earth connecting the north pole and the south pole, it is called the axis of the earth. The earth spins about this axis.
What information do latitude and longitude give you about a place?
The latitude tells us what the climate of the place would be like and the longitude tells us the time at that place.
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