When do we have the equinoxes in a year?
We have it twice. One around 21 March and the other around 21 September.
What is spring equinox?
For the people of the northern hemisphere, the equinox which occurs in March is called spring equinox.
What is autumnal equinox?
For the people of the northern hemisphere, the equinox which occurs in September is called autumnal equinox.
When is the spring equinox going to be in 2021?
This year's spring equinox is going to be on 20 March, Saturday.
When is the autumnal equinox going to be in 2021?
This year's autumnal equinox is going to be on 23 September, Thursday.
When do we have a solstice?
We have a solstice twice a year, once in June and again in December.
When is the summer solstice?
For the people of the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice is on 21 June. (On 21 June, Monday, this year)
When is the winter solstice?
For the people of the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice is on 21 December. (On 21 December, Tuesday, this year)


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