The Gregorian Calendar
Third millennium AD/CE
(AD: Anno Domini
which means
In the Year of the Lord
CE: Christian Era
or Common Era)
Years 1 - 1000: 1st millennium
Years 1001-2000: 2nd millennium
From year 2001 onwards: 3rd millennium
(Millennium: 1000 Years)
People born after the year 2000
are called millennials.
(They are born in the new millennium.)
The current year is 2021.
The current month is February.
The current date is 23 in India and 22 in NJ.
When we say the current year is 2021,
what is the point of reference?
The point of reference is
the birth of Jesus Christ.
Indian Calendar:
Krishna's Niryan (return)
happened on 18 Feb, 3102 years before Christ.
Srikrishna Niryan Era 5123
Vikrama Era 2079
(Vikram Aditya was a great king
who was born 58 years before Christ.)
Shalivahana Era 1943
(Shalivahana is the name of a great king
who lived nearly 2000 years ago.
He was born 78 years after Christ.)
In the Indian system,
time is classified into 4 ages or YUGAs.
1. Krutha Yuga
2. Tretha Yuga (period of Rama)
3. Dwapara Yuga (period of Krishna)
Krishna's return was the end of Dwapara Yuga
and the beginning of the Kali Yuga.
4. Kali Yuga
Krutha Yuga + Tretha Yuga + Dwapara Yuga +
Kali Yuga is called 1 Maha Yuga.
71 Maha Yugas make 1 MANWANTARA.
14 Manwantaras make 1 KALPA.
The current Manwantara's name is Vaivasvata Manwantara.
In Vaivasvata Manwantara, we are in 28th Maha Yuga now.
The current Kalpa's name is SWETA VARAHA KALPA.
The length of Kali Yuga: 4,32,000 years
This is further divided into 4 PAADAs (parts).
Each PAADA (part) is 1,08,000 years.
Krishna's return was 5123 years ago.
So, the Kali Yuga started only 5123 years ago.
That means, we are in the 1st PAADA of
Kali Yuga.
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