
Showing posts from February, 2021


Important Observations 0 is a the centre of the Number Line. Positive numbers are to the right of zero. Negative numbers are to the left of zero. Positive numbers and negative numbers are reflections of each other. 6 + 2 6 – 2 6 * 2 6 ÷ 2 -6 + 2 -6 – 2 -6 * 2 -6 ÷ 2 6 + -2 6 – -2 6 * -2 6 ÷ -2 -6 + -2 -6 – -2 -6 * -2 -6 ÷ -2 2 + 6 2 – 6 2 * 6 2 ÷ 6 -2 + 6 -2 – 6 -2 * 6 -2 ÷ 6 2 + -6 2 – -6 2 * -6 2 ÷ -6 -2 + -6 -2 – -6 -2 * -6 -2 ÷ -6 Notes: -6*2= -6 two times=-6, again -6= -6-6 6*-2= six times -2 = -2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 = -12 6*-2 = reflection of 6*2 = reflection of 12 = -12 -6*2= reflection of 6 * 2= reflection of 12=-12 -6/2 = reflection of 6 / 2 = reflection of 3 = -3 - -2 = reflection of -2 = 2, - - 2 = +2 -6 +2 = 6 left, 2 right = -4 -6 * -2 = reflection of (6 * -2) = reflection of -12 = 12 -6 * -2 = - - 6 * 2 = + 12 -6 / -2 = - - 6/2 = +3


How the lunar months were named in India You know the Indian Calendar is lunar (based on the moon's movement). The moon is in a different NAKSHATRA each day. The months of the Indian Calendar  are named after these NAKSHATRAS. Each month is named after that NAKSHATRA in which the moon is on the fullmoon day. On the fullmoon day, if the Nakshatra is Chitra, the month is Chaitra. On the fullmoon day, if the Nakshatra is Visakha, the month is Vaisakha. On the fullmoon day, if the Nakshatra is Jyeshta, the month is Jyeshta. On the fullmoon day, if the Nakshatra is Purvashada, the month is Ashada. On the fullmoon day, if the Nakshatra is Shravana, the month is Shravana. On the fullmoon day, if the Nakshatra is Purvabhadra, the month is Bhadrapada. On the fullmoon day, if the Nakshatra is Ashwini, the month is Ashwayuja. On the fullmoon day, if the Nakshatra is Krittika, the month is Kartika. On the fullmoon day, if the Nakshatra is Mrigashira, the month is Margashira. On the fullmoon da...


Krishna's Niryan (return) happened on 18 Feb, 3102 years before Christ. Current year by Srikrishna Niryan Era is 5123. Current year by Vikrama Era is 2079. (Vikramaditya or Vikramarka was a great king who was born 58 years before Christ.) The 25 stories of Vikram and Betal are famous. Vikramarka ruled from Ujjain City which is in Madhya Pradesh of India now. Current year by Shalivahana Era is 1943. (Shalivahana is the name of a great king who lived nearly 2000 years ago. He was born 78 years after Christ.) He is also known as Gautami Putra Satakarni. Recently, a Telugu film was made on his life story.


A b l r s 96 6 1 96 6 0 Composite number 2 48 3 32 4 24 6 16 8 12 14 2 1 14 2 0 Composite number 2 7 13 1 1 13 1 0 PRIME NUMBER 12 3 1 12 3 0 Composite number 2 6 3 4 11 1 1 11 1 0 PRIME NUMBER 10 2 1 10 2 0 Composite number 2 5 9 2 1 9 1 1 Composite number 3 3 8 2 1 8 2 0 Composite number 2 4 7 1 1 7 1 0 PRIME NUMBER 6 2 1 6 2 0 Composite number 2 3 5 1 1 5 1 0 PRIME NUMBER 4 2 1 4 1 1 Composite number 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 0 PRIME NUMBER 2 1 1 2 1 0 PRIME NUMBER 1 1 1 1 0 1 NEITHER PRIME NOR COMPOSITE 0 NEITHER PRIME NOR COMPOSITE


DASAVATARAS (Ten Incarnations of Vishnu) 1 Mat-sya Avatar (Fish Incarnation) To save the earth from a great flood, Lord Vishnu took the form of a giant fish and lifted the earth above the waters. Kurma Avatar (Turtle Incarnation) The angels came to know there was Amrit (nectar) under the Ocean of Milk. Lord Vishnu lives on the Ocean of Milk. If this ocean is churned, they would get Amrit. If they drink amrit, they wouldn't have death. They live forever. To churn the Ocean of Milk, they needed the help of demons. They used a gigantic mountain (upside down), Manthara, as the churning stick. A giant snake, Vasuki, became the churning rope. To support the mountain from below, Vishnu took the form of a giant turtle. They got the moon while churning. It was taken by Siva. Goddess Lakshmi was born next. She was taken by Vishnu. In this way, moon and Lakshmi are siblings. Next came, a dreadful poison. It was swallowed by Siva. At last came the amrit. By a trick, the angels drank all the am...


The name of the current year is Sharvari. Sharvari ends on 12 April 2021. On 13 April, the new year begins. That is what you call UGADI. From 13 April, the new year's name is PLAVA. The current solstice is UTTARAYAN. (The sun is travelling from south to north.) The current season is SHISHIRA (Fall). Trees shed their leaves. The name of the current month is MAAGHA. Paksha (fortnight): Shuddha/Shukla (Shuddha/Shukla paksha means 'before full moon') The current day is SHUDDHA EKADASHI. BHEESHMA EKADASHI Millions of people fast today. The weekday: Tuesday in India and Monday in NJ. Today's Nakshatra is ARUDRA. Space: Where are you? Your seat Your room Your flat Your floor Your building Your street Your colony Your city Your district Your state Your country Your continent the world on the earth in the solar system in your galaxy (Milky Way/Akash Ganga) in the universe


The Gregorian Calendar Third millennium AD/CE (AD: Anno Domini which means In the Year of the Lord or CE: Christian Era or Common Era) Years 1 - 1000: 1st millennium Years 1001-2000: 2nd millennium From year 2001 onwards: 3rd millennium (Millennium: 1000 Years) People born after the year 2000 are called millennials. (They are born in the new millennium.) The current year is 2021. The current month is February. The current date is 23 in India and 22 in NJ. When we say the current year is 2021, what is the point of reference? The point of reference is the birth of Jesus Christ. Indian Calendar: Krishna's Niryan (return) happened on 18 Feb, 3102 years before Christ. Srikrishna Niryan Era 5123 Vikrama Era 2079 (Vikram Aditya was a great ...


The Descent of the Ganga to the Earth The Ganga was originally a river in the sky. It was called Akash Ganga. Now, let's see why and how the Ganga came to the earth. Once upon a time, there was a king called Sagara. He had 60,000 sons. One day they went to the forest hunting. They happened to make a sage angry by their arrogant behaviour. He turned them to ashes. They died because of a sage's anger. So their souls could not reach the heaven. Many hundreds of years later, a descendant of them decided to send his forefathers' souls to the heaven. His name was Bhageerath. He asked many wise men what he should do to be able to send his forefathers' souls to the heaven. They said if the Akash Ganga flowed along the land where their ashes spread, their souls could go to the heaven. So he prayed to the Ganga to come to the earth and flow along the land where his forefathers' ashes lay. The Ganga accepted his prayer but she warned that if she descended to the earth directly...




à°šైà°¤్à°°ం, à°µైà°¶ాà°–ం when new leaves grow "వసంà°¤ à°‹à°¤ుà°µు SPRING SEASON" à°œ్à°¯ేà°·్à° ం, ఆషాఢము very hot months "à°—్à°°ీà°·్à°® à°‹à°¤ుà°µు SUMMER SEASON" à°¶్à°°ావణం, à°­ాà°¦్రపదం rainy months "వర్à°· à°‹à°¤ుà°µు MONSOON SEASON" ఆశ్వయుà°œం, à°•ాà°°్à°¤ీà°•ం moonlit nights with clear skies "శరద్ à°‹à°¤ుà°µు AUTUMN SEASON" à°®ాà°°్à°—à°¶ిà°°ం, à°ªుà°·్à°¯ం cold months "à°¹ేà°®ంà°¤ à°‹à°¤ుà°µు WINTER SEASON" à°®ాà°˜ం, à°«ాà°²్à°—ుà°£ం when trees shed leaves "à°¶ిà°¶ిà°° à°‹à°¤ుà°µు FALL SEASON"




à°šైà°¤్à°°ం when new leaves grow & à°µైà°¶ాà°–ం à°œ్à°¯ేà°·్à° ం very hot months & ఆషాఢము à°¶్à°°ావణం rainy months & à°­ాà°¦్రపదం ఆశ్వయుà°œం moonlit nights with clear skies & à°•ాà°°్à°¤ీà°•ం à°®ాà°°్à°—à°¶ిà°°ం cold months & à°ªుà°·్à°¯ం à°®ాà°˜ం when trees shed leaves & à°«ాà°²్à°—ుà°£ం






In the Indian lunar calendar (based on the movement of the moon), the 1st day is called PRATI PADA or SUDDHA PADYAMI. The 2nd day is called SUDDHA VIDIYA. The 3rd day is called SUDDHA TADIYA. The 4th day is called SUDDHA CHAVITHI or SUDDHA CHATURDHI. The 5th day is called SUDDHA PANCHAMI. The 6th day is called SUDDHA SHASHTHI. The 7th day is called SUDDHA SAPTAMI. The 8th day is called SUDDHA ASHTAMI. The 9th day is called SUDDHA NAVAMI. The 10th day is called SUDDHA DASAMI. The 11th day is called SUDDHA EKADASI. The 12th day is called SUDDHA DWADASI. The 13th day is called SUDDHA TRAYODASI. The 14th day is called SUDDHA CHATURDASI. The 15th day is called POURNAMI (full moon). 16 = Krishna (Bahulaa) Padyami,  17 = Krishna (Bahulaa) Vidiya,  18 = Krishna (Bahulaa) Tadiya,  19 = Krishna (Bahulaa) Chaviti,  20 = Krishna (Bahulaa) Panchami,  21 = Krishna (Bahulaa) Shashthi,  22 = Krishna (Bahulaa) Saptami,  23 = Krishna (Bahulaa) Ashtami,  24 = Krishn...


When did the conversation of Bhagavad Gita take place between Krishna and Arjuna? The Bhagavad Gita conversation took place on the first day of the war. In which period of year was the Maha Bharat War probably fought? The Maha Bharat War probably started around late November or early December. When did the world know about the Bhagavad Gita? The world came to know about the Bhagavad Gita on the 11th day of the war. Who told the world about the Bhagavad Gita? A man called Sanjaya told the world about the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna. (Sanjaya told Dhritharashtra who was Kouravas' father.) Who was the greatest warrior of the Maha Bharat War? The greatest warrior of the Maha Bharat War was Bhishma, who was the grandfather of the Pandavas and the Kouravas. What was Bhishma's special power? Bhishma's special power was that he would die only if he decided. When did Bhishma fall? Bhishma fell on the tenth day of the war. What did Bhishma do when he fell? He waited for n...


How does Sankranthi relate to the zodiac? There are 12 signs of the zodiac from Aries to Pisces. The moves across these 12 signs in a year. So we have 12 months in a year. Makar Sankranthi is when the Sun leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn. What are the other names of Sankranthi in different parts of India? Sankranthi is celebrated by different names in different parts of India such as Shishur Sankranthi, Maghi, Lohri, Uttarayan, Makar Sankraman, Makar Villaku, Pongal, Pedda Panduga, Poush Sankranthi, Kicheri, Bihu or Magh Bihu. In the Indian culture, what do the sun's northward movement and southward movement symbolise? In the Indian culture, the sun's northward movement is the symbol of ENLIGHTENMENT and KNOWLEDGE. And the southward movement is the symbol of DARKNESS and IGNORANCE. What are the two halves of year known as in the Indian culture? "The two halves of year are known as UTTARAYAN and DAKSHINAYAN. Uttarayan is the period when the sun moves northward. (Dec ...


What happens on the summer solstice? On the summer solstice, we have the longest day of year and the shortest night. What happens on the winter solstice? On the winter solstice, we have the shortest day of year and the longest night. Why does the duration of day and night change? It happens due to the tilt of the earth's axis. Seasons also occur for the same reason. What is the sun's position on the equinoxes? On both the equinoxes, the sun shines directly above the equator. What is the sun's position on the summer solstice? On the summer solstice, the sun shines directly above the tropic of cancer. What is the sun's position on the winter solstice? On the winter solstice, the sun shines directly above the tropic of capricorn. Where is the sun from December to June? From December to June the sun travels from south to north. Where is the sun from June to December? From June to December the sun travels from north to south. Which period is considered more auspicious for us...


When do we have the equinoxes in a year? We have it twice. One around 21 March and the other around 21 September. What is spring equinox? For the people of the northern hemisphere, the equinox which occurs in March is called spring equinox. What is autumnal equinox? For the people of the northern hemisphere, the equinox which occurs in September is called autumnal equinox. When is the spring equinox going to be in 2021? This year's spring equinox is going to be on 20 March, Saturday. When is the autumnal equinox going to be in 2021? This year's autumnal equinox is going to be on 23 September, Thursday. When do we have a solstice? We have a solstice twice a year, once in June and again in December. When is the summer solstice? For the people of the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice is on 21 June. (On 21 June, Monday, this year) When is the winter solstice? For the people of the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice is on 21 December. (On 21 December, Tuesday, this year...


 Is the Prime Meridian a full circle or a half circle? Since the Prime Meridian is a longitude, it is a half circle. What is the counterpart of the Prime Meridian? The counterpart of the Prime Meridian is called the International Date Line. Prime Meridian: 0o, International Date Line: 180o  Is the duration of the day equal to the duration of the night usually? Usually they are not equal. Only twice a year, they become equal. What is an equinox? When the duration of day is equal to the duration of night, it is called an equinox. What is a solstice? When the difference between the duration of day and the duration of night is the highest, it is called a solstice.